Lets Talk Buffalo 91.3FM Buffalo State cover

Let's Talk Buffalo

Let's Talk Buffalo is an interview-based radio program addressing issues of interest to the Buffalo State community and surrounding neighborhoods. The show airs on 91.3FMWBNY. Meetings in Student Union Room 220 For More info contact Professor Braemer: Braemed@buffalostate.edu

Photo of 3 people
3 people backs facing camera interviewing woman

Listen to Let's Talk Buffalo Episodes

Episode #1: Social Justice  

(TRT 29:26, airdate Sept. ’21)  

Let’s Talk, Buffalo interviews citizens on Buffalo’s Grant Street, asking them for their  definition of social justice. We also interview Yanick Jenkins, one of the co-directors of Buffalo State’s emerging Social Justice Learning Institute and the Director of the Buffalo State EOP.  

Student producers: Joana Leamon, Elijah Robinson, Heather Raub, Joseph Scordo. Faculty advisor: Dorothea Braemer  

Link: LetsTalkBuffaloEpisode1 

Episode #2: The Buffalo Mayoral Election  

(TRT 24:07, airdate Oct. ’21) 

Let’s Talk, Buffalo talks to members of the community to see who they will vote for in the upcoming election. We also interview the two mayoral candidates Bryan Brown and India Walton, as well as Buffalo State Professor and radio commentator Bruce Bryski about his thoughts about what the election will bring.  

Student producers: Joana Leamon, Caitlyn Jules Malilay, Tanya Gamble, Brittany Whalen, Joana Leamon, Elijah Robinson, Preston Lewis, Joseph Scordo. Faculty advisor: Dorothea Braemer  

Link: LetsTalkBuffaloEpisode2 

Episode #3: Thanksgiving  

(TRT 26:49, airdate Nov. 21)  

Let’s Talk, Buffalo talks to students of Buffalo State about what they are thankful for. We also talk to Anthropology Professor Lisa Marie Anselmi and anthropologist Kashmir Bowser about the meaning of Thanksgiving for the Native American community.  

Student producers:  Joana Leamon, Caitlyn Jules Malilay, Tanya Gamble, Brittany Whalen, Joana Leamon, Joe Scordo. Faculty advisor: Dorothea Braemer 

Link: LetsTalkBuffaloEpisode3 

Episode #4: Names

(TRT 17:32, airdate May ’22) 

Let’s Talk, Buffalo talks to students about their names and what they mean to them. We also talk to former Buffalo State  Chief Diversity Officer Crystal J. Rodriguez-Dabney about the power of naming building at Buffalo State.  

Student producers: Alessia Gervasi, Joseph Scordo, Brittan Whalen, Devon Roetzer. Faculty advisor: Dorothea Braemer  

Link: LetsTalkBuffaloEpisode4 

Episode #5: Happiness and Suicide

(TRT 29:59, airdate Sept. ‘22)  

Let’s Talk, Buffalo talks to students, faculty and staff, including President Katherine Convey-Turner, about what makes them happy. We also talk to Buffalo State Sociology Professor and suicide scholar Dr. Jie Zhang.   

Produced by: Brian Milbrand, Alessia Gervasi, Brandon Nightingale, Collin O’Brien, KJ Zielezinski, Seoyoung Cha, Armando Giangreco-Marotta, Danielle Gabamonte. Faculty advisor: Dorothea Braemer 

Link: LetsTalkBuffaloEpisode5 

Episode #6: Halloween

(TRT 15:14, air date Oct. ’22) 

Let’s Talk, Buffalo talks to students about their favorite Halloween movies. We also talk to Buffalo State Production Managers Ronald A. Schwartz and Tom Kostusiak and Ciminelli Hall Manager Andrew Borchik about scary and ghostly occurrences in and around Buffalo State.   

Produced by: Brian Milbrand, Janiyyah Christopher, Armando Giangreco-Marotta, Seoyoung Cha,Danielle Gabamonte, Brandon Nightingale, Alessia Gervasi. Faculty advisor: Dorothea Braemer 

Link: LetsTalkBuffaloEpisode6 

Episode #7: Pippin

(TRT 20:41, airdate Oct ’22) 

Let’s Talk Buffalo interviews cast and crew  involved with the production of the musical Pippin’, which was performed at Buffalo State in Oct. 22.  

Produced by  Armando Giangreco-Marotta and Alessia Gervasi. Faculty advisor: Dorothea Braemer  

Link: LetsTalkBuffaloEpisode7 

Episode #8: The Compilation Show  

(TRT  31:55, airdate: Dec ‘22/Jan ‘23) 

Let’s Talk, Buffalo talks to  students about what they are doing for the upcoming holidays. We are also featuring audio projects created by Buffalo State students: Incident at work by Armando Giangreco-Marotta, Where the Wild Things Are by Carly Lawson, The Runaway Bunny by Hannah Elliott, Before June, After July by Steven Clare and Alessia’s Acting Dream by Justin Siejak. Produced by Brandon Nightingale, Alessia Gervasi, Armando Giangreco-Marotta, Janiyyah Christopher. Faculty advisor: Dorothea Braemer 

Link: LetsTalkBuffaloEpisode8 

Episode #9: Love

(TRT  23:55, airdate: Feb‘23) 

"Let's Talk, Buffalo" interviews students about what love means to them, and Buffalo State Philosophy Professor John Draeger shares his views about love and what he teaches in his "Philosophy of Love and Sex" class.

Link: LetsTalkBuffaloEpisode9

Episode #10: Women's History Month

(TRT  28:00, airdate: Mar ‘23) 

Let's Talk, Buffalo honors women’s history month by interviewing women young and old about their experiences. We are also talking to protesters at a pro-choice rally. Constitutional lawyer Bill Altreuter explains how Roe/Wade got overturned and what it might mean for the future. This episode of “Let’s Talk, Buffalo” was created by Buffalo State students Jayyiah Christopher, Alessia Gervasi, Danielle Gabamonte, Joseph Scordo, and Fanchon Drayton. It was edited by Collin O’Brien and Armando Giangreco-Marotta. The faculty adviser was Professor Braemer.

 Link: LetsTalkBuffaloEpisode10


Episode #11: Levi The Film Interview

(TRT  32:29 airdate: May ‘23) 

Let's Talk, Buffalo's Alessia Gervasi and Armando Giangreco-Marotta interview Khalil Carr and Taiyana James. We discuss the process of making their first feature film at 20 years old. As well as their passion for filmmaking and their plans for the future in Buffalo. This episode of “Let’s Talk, Buffalo” was created by Buffalo State students Alessia Gervasi & Armando Giangreco-Marotta. Edited by Armando Giangreco-Marotta. The faculty adviser was Professor Braemer.

 Link: LetsTalkBuffaloEpisode11


Episode #12: Mural Copyright

(TRT  32:31 airdate: July ‘23) 

In this episode, we spoke with local artist Casey Miliband as well as Mark Mascato the owner of Buffalo Bike Tours. We discussed the issue of mural copyrights and who is able to use images of murals. Casey has been sending out bills to local Buffalo businesses that used images of his mural. We also interviewed Mike Igoe, a law professor at Suny Fredonia.

This episode of “Let’s Talk, Buffalo” was created by Jayyiah Christopher, Alessia Gervasi, Brandon Nightingale, and  Armando Giangreco-Marotta, Edited by Armando Giangreco-Marotta. The faculty adviser was Professor Braemer.

 Link: LetsTalkBuffaloEpisode12